Co2 cylinder refilling service from other brands at special and exclusive prices only with us.
This technical service is for our valued customers who own other brands’ CO2 cylinders.
Empty CO2 Cylinder Refill – Any quantity of Cylinder refill soda maker cylinder can be exchangedWhere the cylinder is the main factor for the soft drinks machine because it works on carbonizing drinks and there is more than one type or method for the manufacture of carbonated water, namely: Integrating carbon dioxide gas into ordinary water through the use of a CO2 cylinder, which is a gaseous liquid that is injected directly into the water by pressing the machine.As the soft drink cylinder is made of durable plastic, so it lasts for a long time and you have to keep it.
Co2 Supply A Co2 cylinder is sufficient for approximately 60 liters of carbonated water and you can also replace empty cylinders at your local retailer or through our online service.
One of the most important features of the Co2 cylinder is that it is small in size compared to other home machines used in the kitchen.
The cylinder of the soft drink machine is made of durable plastic, so it can last for a long time and you must maintain it.
The Co2 soft drinks cylinder is compatible with all popular brands of 60 liter carbon dioxide cylinders.