Change the way you enjoy healthy and refreshing drinks
About Aqualine
We've spent a small fortune on organic sodas and sparkling water. Just like you, we have always wondered why we cannot get a decent soda maker in Saudi Arabia. In the end we decided to stop wondering and do something about it!
After searching for the best soda machine in the world, we found it. Our family has been using DRINKMATE for a long time and we love it!
There is no better soda maker, especially when the rest are only capable of carbonating water. Since we came across DRINKMATE, we've been making fresh organic soda and mojitos at home at a fraction of the cost.
Our mission now is to show Saudi Arabia how great it is to make your own healthy or organic drinks and refreshing drinks from home. We would like to show Saudi Arabia that soft drinks do not have to be loaded with sugar to be delicious.
Last but not least, we kept things simple. Aqualine SA also offers Drinkmate CO2 cylinders compatible with DRINKMATE.
In addition to; Many valued customers have asked us to refill their Co2 cylinders from another brand as they have been doing so for a long time and were struggling with the refilling process, therefore, we have committed to always being supportive of our community and making it easy and simple for them to get their bubbles flowing.!
We're working on introducing more ways so you can swap out your spent cylinders for full ones as conveniently as possible.
Omni Phase Countertop Machine
Luxury Italian drink
Italy is world-famous for its amazing citrus products, which is why we decided to source our new premium syrup from there! Drink Mate's signature Italian syrup includes the following qualities, perfect for your favorite drink mix!